Check out Resource page containing my books, My Yoke Is Easy and The Dance Between Jew and Gentile.  
Also available is my Messianic Seder DVD.  
You can purchase them by clicking the link to the left entitled Available Resources/Purchase Materials.
Check out our new Resource page containing my new book, My Yoke Is Easy.  Also available is my Messianic Seder DVD.  You can purchase them by clicking the link to the left entitled Available Resources/Purchase Materials.
Everlasting Promise Ministries seeks to reveal through the scriptures God's everlasting promises to Israel and His eternal plan for both Jew and Gentile.  

Our goal is to enlighten the predominately Gentile church through biblical teaching about God's call on Israel and the Jewish people throughout time.  God is not done with the Jewish people--His eternal plan for them is still unfolding and in our day, we see evidence of His plan coming to fruition.  

We focus on the Covenants that God gave to the Jewish people and how they express His sovereignty, commitment, plan, purposes, and love for all of mankind--both Jew and Gentile.

Through biblical teaching on subjects such as Why a Chosen People (Chosen does not mean favorite!), The Covenants, The History of Antisemitism in the Church, God's Irrevocable Call on Israel, and Replacement Theology/Repentance, we make the case to the Body of Christ through the scriptures that Israel and the Jewish people are a crucial part of God's end-time plan.

God's heart is for One New Man--Jew and Gentile united as one in the Messiah. 


The relationship between Christianity and the Law of Moses can seem complicated. Followers of Christ have long wrestled with what to do with the Law. Even today, Christians have many questions about how we should approach the Law as believers. 

If you, or someone you know, is wrestling with those questions, then this book will be a great help. Writing from a Jewish perspective, Frann lays out the biblical approach for understanding the Law as followers of Christ. She helps us to see and appreciate the value of traditions while holding fast to salvation by grace and through faith. My Yoke Is Easy is a great resource for those struggling with their relationship to the Law.


Imagine Jew and Gentile crying out in one voice
"Come Lord Jesus, Come!

The relationship between Jews and Gentiles over the centuries has been a rocky one. However, the importance of the Jewish people in God's unfolding plan will become an undeniable truth to the Gentile Church in these last days. The Jewish voice will join the Gentile voice and together we will prepare the way for the return of the Great King.

The Dance Between Jew and Gentile unravels this complex relationship along with the biblical truths of God's love for both Jew and Gentile and His passionate desire for unity between us. The One New Man reality is unfolding and as it comes to fullness, amazing power and blessing will abound.